Friday: What you can do when Em is fixing computers
Yo. I'm sorry we couldn't solve the compiler problem today. Shirin and I discovered that the PIC processor in this years RC might be different from last year's (remember they said they added a s*load of memory?). Very scary. That is a serious problem I think. We'll see what we can do.
Okay, so here's what you can do while you're waiting. Please use your time wisely.
Look at the 2006 FIRST guidelines, tips & good practices. Yes, I printed out two copies of the booklet for you if you can't find it here.
I would like someone to put together an excel file that puts all the stall torque values IN THE SAME units so we can compare all the motors at face value. Also, I want the speed at no load converted from RPM to RPS (rotations per second) to degrees per second (Sophia, that's theta dot to you). Why????
We need to try to shoot the ball out from the spinning wheels at a certain speed. What is that speed? Can someone tell me the speed at which the spinning wheel (of radius r) connects to the ball? The fact that you have to find theta_dot is a really really good clue.
I can tell you that I've done all of this already, but of course, I can't just give it to you now just like that huh?
There's a lot of motor and sensor characterization we can do while we try to get the compiler up and running again. Please make use of your time.
Signing out since I need to write a personal statement tonight,
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